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Modernize your Windows Server apps with containers

  1. 7:15 pm to 7:45 pm EST
  2. Taylor Brown (Speaker), Muzz Imam (Demos)
  3. App works fine, but stuck in an older app model.
    1. Rewrite the whole thing.
    2. Try a new deployment model.
    3. Rewrite parts of it.
  4. Containerize it.
    1. Use a registry.
    2. CI/CD
    3. Deploy to Kubernetes cluster.
  5. IBuySpy
    1. SQL Server
    2. IIS
  6. Create a Dockerfile
    1. Like writing down all the steps to deploy the app.
    2. MSBuild commands, etc.
  7. Demo: Windows Admin Center (WAC) makes managing your server workloads easier.
  8. Announcing an extension today to write your Dockerfile for you.
  9. Point it to your source code.
  10. Define some basic properties, e.g. .NET Framework version.
  11. You can run it from Windows Admin Center, Pull, Push, etc.
    1. Give it your Azure Subscription, where to push to, e.g. Azure Container Registry, etc.
  12. Question: the tool is focused on web apps right now, ASP.NET, etc.  Feedback will determine future capabilities.
  13. Question: can I modify the generated Dockerfile?  Yes!
  14. Question: what Windows Server versions does WAC support?
    1. Answer: Windows Server 2019 is the focus.
  15. Demo: Kubernetes
    1. Create Kubernetes cluster in the Azure portal.
    2. It has already created an agentpool on Linux (default).
    3. We need to create one for Windows.
    4. Network configuration: Select Advanced.
    5. AKS is going to create another resource group for you.
      1. Just be aware of this.
    6. Resources:
      1. SQL Server
      2. SQL Databasse
      3. Kubernetes Service
      4. Container Registry
      5. Virtual Network
    7. Connect AKS with ACR.
    8. AKS can then pull images from ACR.
    9. He’s using Az tools (Azure CLI) from a PowerShell prompt.
    10. Editing Kubernetes .yaml file in VS Code.
    11. kubectl apply -f .\ibuyspy-lm.yaml
    12. kubectl get all
    13. He showed the app running.
    14. Now what do you do?
    15. Monitoring.
    16. He can get IIS and Log Viewer logs in the Kubernetes portal blade.
      1. “Insights”
    17. He can upgrade the cluster from the portal.
  16. You can now add an ingress controller, i.e. like a router.
    1. This is a Linux container.
    2. Deploy it through Helm.
  17. Demo: Modernizing your apps.
    1. kubectl create namespace ingress-basic
    2. helm repo add stable
    3. helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress --namespace ingress-basic --set controller.replicaCount=2 --set controller.nodeSelect...
    4. kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
    5. You will get a 404 until you define routes between the components.
    6. Added a new sections to his .yaml file for the Ingress components.
    7. kubectl apply -f .\ibuyspy-n.yaml
    8. Browsed to his app again in the browser.
    9. Now he can perform A/B testing.
    10. Organizes your app easily.
  18. Support for Windows containers in AKS.
  19. Best practices and recommendations
  20. Question: Any plans to get Kubernetes running in Windows only?
    1. Answer: the community has aligned around Linux master and Windows worker model.
  21. Question: Support plan for GMSA (?)?
    1. Windows Authentication.

Scott Guthrie Keynote

  1. Solutions built with Azure.
  2. 61 Azure Regions now!
    1. More than AWS & Google combined.
    2. New DCs in Israel, Mexico, Spain, Poland, New Zealand.
  3. Helping with COVID-19.
  4. Amanda Silver joined, CVP for VS Family and Developer Tools.
  5. Donovan Brown
    1. Virtual Standup – Sunrise Standup app. (Is that the name?)
    2. Azure Static Webapp.
    3. Azure Functions.
    4. Sunrise app.
    5. Azure and GitHub work together using GitHub actions to create CI/CD pipelines.
    6. Every commit downloads, builds, tests code and deploys it to Azure.
    7. You can see Deployment history from the Azure portal as GitHub Actions.
    8. Amanda will add functionality to map with pins using Azure Static Webapp.
  6. Back to Amanda.
    1. She’s running locally with VS Code.
    2. Install Azure Static Webapp extension for VS Code.
    3. Lightning button lets you create an endpoint and it scaffolds out an Azure Function.
    4. You paste in your code.
    5. You can also launch Full Stack app in the menu, i.e. front end and back end.
    6. (I think she’s on a Mac)
    7. VS Code Pull Request extension.
  7. Back to Donovan.
    1. He saw the notification in Teams.
    2. Click on the link for the PR.
    3. Then he can see the code running in the staging environment.
    4. He wants to change the theme.
      1. He wants dark theme, not light theme.
    5. Codespaces turns web browsers into development environments.
    6. VS Code + Extensions + Libraries.
    7. “Color-customized version of Bulma” theme.
    8. Every machine is now a developer machine with Codespaces.
  8. Back to Amanda
    1. Announcing Azure Static Web Apps today.
  9. Jeff Hollan
    1. Azure Kubernetes Service.
    2. Lift and shift apps to Azure.
    3. Azure Private Link enables private communications for your Kubernetes apps.
    4. Cognitive Services
      1. Personalizer Apprentice Mode
      2. Speech Voice Styles – tailor the voice in your apps.
      3. Enhanced Container Support – GA for Text Analytics, General Understanding (?)
    5. httprepl
      1. Uses Swagger.
      2. Related to CosmosDB.
  10. Back to Scott.
    1. Talking about how Starbucks uses Microsoft technologies.
  11. Julia White (CVP Azure Marketing) and Gerri Martin-Flickinger (CTO Starbucks).
  12. Rohan Kumar, CVP Azure Data Engineering.
    1. Predictive Analytics and ML.
    2. Azure Synapse looks like it brings it all together.
    3. Azure Synapse Link is being announced today.

Q&A with Seth Juarez

  1. WSL2
    1. Scott Hanselman discussing.
  2. Windows Terminal
    1. Kayla Cinnamon.
    2. v1.0 out today!
    3. Scott’s tutorial on PowerLine in Windows Terminal, git branches, etc.
  3. winget
    1. New Windows Package Manager.
    2. Install Windows Terminal.
    3. Alt-Space is Run PowerToy.
  4. Maddy Leger
    1. Mirror iOS
    2. Hot Reload and Hot Restart
    3. Plugged in phone to laptop

MS Build – Scott Hanselman Keynote

  1. FancyZones PowerToy
    1. Launcher is Alt-Space
  2. Kayla Cinnamon joined
    1. ASCII Azure Regions in Windows Terminal (
    2. Script to setup PowerToys (KC), Terminal, etc.
    3. Windows Package Manager: WinGet
      1. Winget Package Manifests on GitHub
    4. > winget install terminal
    5. He’s running Terminal 1.0.1401 (?)
    6. He ran gimp as part of the preview of the next release WSL2.
      1. Preview: Hardware accelerated workloads via GPU.
    7. He (she?) made their cursors have their pictures.
    8. Teams: @Code Conversations bot.
      1. Now add code snippet, e.g. Console.WriteLine(“…”);
      2. Uses .NET Interactive.
    9. She hid files on his machine.
    10. Go into Linux filesystem in Windows Explorer.
    11. She left a file with C# snippets on his machine.
    12. @Code Conversations bot.
      1. Has a formatter included.
      2. Shuffled and visualized the card deck from her code.
  3. GitHub – Nat Friedman joined
    1. npm
  4. Allison Buchholtz-Au joined
    1. Codespaces
      1. OliveTracker app
      2. Olive is her dog
      1. Click green Code button, select “Open in Codespace”.
      2. Takes care of all of the setup for you. (?)
    3. It looks like VS Code.
    4. Takes a while, but much faster than setting up a dev box.
    5. Turn on Preferences Sync.
      1. Still in preview.
      2. Syncs with VS Code!
    6. dependabot-preview
      1. Go check this out!
      2. Pulls release notes for you.
      3. Shows commits.
      4. You can merge a pull request.
    7. Run from Codespaces.
      1. Go to the Debug icon on the left.
      2. It forwards the port to your local browser.
      3. Private Preview:
    8. LiveShare extension
      1. Username olivef
      2. They are collaborating while she’s on VS 2019!
  5. He’s got a cool VS desktop theme.
    1. Find out what this is.
    2. He’s running on his Mac.  Is it available for Windows?
  6. New Git experience in the latest VS 2019 and Preview.
  7. (not sure about this URL)
  8. Maddy Leger joined.
    1. Sent Scott a LiveShare link in the Teams chat.
    2. She’s showing a Xamarin iPhone mobile app.
      1. Also targeting Android.
    3. .NET Standard project.
    4. Xamarin Forms.
    5. Hot Restart to redeploy to the phone.
    6. Connected over a cable (I think she said).
    7. We can see her iPhone mirrored on the desktop.
      1. How did she do this?
    8. She mentioned vertical tabs in VS.
      1. Look into this.
    9. Use <dualscreen Pane1> and <dualscreen Pane2> for multiscreen devices.
    10. Scott went into WSL2, ran tensorflow on Linux against GPU (Cuda).
    11. Seeing the performance in Task Manager.  You can see memory and processor usage of his GPU.
    12. It detected cars in his video, etc.
    13. Sharing a whiteboard on Teams.
  9. Panos Panay joined the call.
    1. Scott faded out on him.  It was funny!

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