Category: Command Line

Updating PowerShell Core

or To determine your current PowerShell version, run the following: Thanks to Thomas Maurer and his blog post:

Installing and Updating the Azure Az PowerShell module (vs. AzureRM)

Remove the AzureRM PowerShell module To install the Az PowerShell module, you must first remove the AzureRM module.  You can check which version(s) of AzureRM you already have installed. If you see a message like the following, then you’re ready to install the Az PowerShell module. PackageManagement\Get-Package : No match was found for the specified …

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Launch Mac apps with command-line parameters from Windows running under Parallels

I love running Windows using Parallels Desktop on my MacBook Pro (yes, those of you who know me well are aware that it wasn’t that long ago that I was amongst the Mac clueless).  Parallels makes it easy to associate your files with Mac applications running on your host.  If you want to launch a …

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Measuring How Long Commands Take in Windows

I was considering installing the timeit.exe command on my new laptop, but read that it may not work on the latest versions of Windows.  So, I found an article on StackOverflow that recommended using the Measure-Command command in PowerShell.  You use it as follows, where Get-ChildItem is just listing the current directory as an example command …

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Combining Files in PowerShell

If you need to combine text files in cmd.exe, you would issue the following command:

If you wish to do the same for binary files, you would use the following command:

To do the same in PowerShell is pretty straightforward.  If the destination file does not already exist or already contains content, you’ll …

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