
Author's posts

How to install VC++ update KB2455033

Head to the Visual C++ Team’s blog entry entitled “MS11-025 Visual C++ Update Issue“, scroll down to the section entitled “Visual Studio 2010 RTM with Windows SDK”, and follow the instructions there.  For completeness sake, here they are: If you have Visual Studio 2010 RTM and Windows SDK 7.1 installed on an x64 machine, then …

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Windows Phone 7 Version Information

I was working with the updated version of the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) emulator and was curious to find out what software versions were running on it.  Here is the output I got: (Sorry, this picture was lost. ?) For those of you who search for this kind of information, the plain text: OS Platform: …

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If Windows Azure Cmdlets v1.3 Won’t Install

I downloaded the latest Windows Azure Cmdlets to manage my cloud storage at  However, it could find my installed Azure SDK v1.3. If running the “C:\WASMCmdlets\startHere.cmd” fails to find the “Windows Azure Software Development Kit 1.3” on the “Detecting Required Software” screen, it is because it is looking for version 1.3.11122.0038 of the SDK. …

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When Microsoft Word Won’t Start

If you try to run Microsoft Word and it crashes before it even opens, look for a or normal.dotx file in your user profile and rename it to normal.dotm.old.  Then try restarting Word. On Windows XP this file can usually be found in: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates On Windows Vista and Windows 7 this …

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C++ Casting Operators

I often get confused about the different types of C++ casts: dynamic_cast can be used for “upcasting” or “downcasting”

static_cast static_cast conversions are not as safe as dynamic_cast conversions, because static_cast does no run-time type check, while dynamic_cast does. A dynamic_cast to an ambiguous pointer will fail, while a static_cast returns as if …

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